The Actual Beginning of My Life

I've always wanted to travel, and to see the world. This exchange is a chance for me learn more about myself and the world and people around me. I am so excited to explore Austria, and to make friends from all around the world!

I have been waiting so long to go travelling and exploring on my own, and finally my dreams are coming true!

I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that has helped me realize my dreams. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends a person could ask for. I love you all!

Let the adventure begin! Hazzah!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I went to a cafe with one of my bffffffffffflll Lolo from school, and it was pretty sweet. We talked for a long time, switching back and forht from French, English and German. Her mom is French, so she speaks perfect french and its so cool to always be changing languages all the time. I love it.
Uhm, theres not alot else to tell. Kinda just livin life here, and I love it so much. Everyone is so awesome and nice, and Im finally adjusting to everything. I really like it, although i miss canadian food.
Everyday, bread. meat. cheese. just all the time, and then today i had this weird stuf it was cooked bread crums sprinkled over boiled colliflower, and it was pretty gross. I mean, i ate it, and i said it was ok, but it was jsut gross.
I dont know, i miss my friends and my family. I miss the food. Its shameful to say
but i miss lays chips
its horrible, cause im kind of a health freak
but i miss my one weakness
im going through a lays withdrawl ahahahhah
i just miss all the little things, like the food isnt THAT different, but its different enough for me to be really annoyed and frustrated.
is a tomatoe sandwich on regular bread, mayo, and freakin Montreal steak spice from my best friend Scarletts kitchen cupboard.
And i want tostitos, with the amazing nacho dip bought from Foodland in Clinton.
Above all else I want my moms spaghetti sauce, and i am literally crying now that I am thinking of the thought that I will not taste it for a year. I guess theres more behind those tears though haha. Oh, but how they are triggered by food.
I want munchies. you know what im talking about scarlett.
I want salad, just salad.
I want blueberries taht my mom always buys
I want Scarletts Dads weird pasta that he makes with the meat inside of it and pesto sauce that i always eat without asking him when hes at work and scarlett abnd i are just chilling
I want a gyro that i always buy once a week when im going to vocal lessons then i go to the market and buy a heavenly gyro at the kiosk
I want the SKETCHY CURRY CHICKEN DUMPLINGS that you always buy mom from Zehrs, and boil them and then just stand at teh kitchen counter and eat them all and love it and then feel guilty so then i drink alot of water and eat salad to make myself feel better about myself
I miss my kitchen
Mom and Dad I miss you so much, i miss you so much
I miss blueblue, the cat here is so aggressive and oens the doors itself and its crazyy and scary and i think its posessed
And i miss teddy, even though i hate him, hes our dog so i kinda have to love him.
i miss home, and i dont even know
this is rediculous
im sorry, i needed to rant and to get my tears out, its all good in the hood now everyone who altually reads this thing, so yeah. I love you all.


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