The Actual Beginning of My Life

I've always wanted to travel, and to see the world. This exchange is a chance for me learn more about myself and the world and people around me. I am so excited to explore Austria, and to make friends from all around the world!

I have been waiting so long to go travelling and exploring on my own, and finally my dreams are coming true!

I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that has helped me realize my dreams. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends a person could ask for. I love you all!

Let the adventure begin! Hazzah!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

SCARIEST night of my entire life

Ok well the night did not really strart off scary, it was mainly the getting home after having fun with my friends part of the night.
So after the party at kathis flat, i went hom eon the subway, and left two of my friends, to switch subways. So i was alone, no big deal, i mean im used to it now, and i know my way around so i wasnt afraid or anything.
But when i got off at teh station i needed to, there was this man on the escalator next to me with this creepy yellow umbrella, and he was young but creepy andhe was staring at me and i tried to ignore it, cause hey some people jsut stare.
So then i get off the escalotor and go to another one to the left, and he goes on the escalator the right to get off at teh other side of the street above, and i glance over and hes STILL staring at me.
Im like, ok maybe i just loook like somebody heknows no big deal, im goin home!
So then i get to teh street above and just look across teh street to see if hes gone and im not even kidding or exagerating when i say this, but he was literally standing facing me on the other side of teh street, holding his yellow umbrela, and itwas raining, and it was busy and people were bustling and he was just standing there and so then i turned around and stared walkoing home and two minutes later i looked behind me and he wasnt there, and i was like ok that was creepy.
But then a minute later all i hear are these footsteps behind me and i turn around and all i see is that yellow umbrella and im like OMG and so i sped up some more, and i pulled my cellphone out and i tried to call my host sister BUT THERE WAS NO CREDIT ON MY PHONE; and my haert was racing and there ewre tears in my eyes, because his footsteps were getting closer and there was nooneon the street anywhere and it was dark and scary and raining. There were visions of the show criminal minds whipping through my head adn i honestly was so terrified. I have nevr been so scared in my entire life, and that is the truth.
THANK GOD, some random italian man turned onto the street and he was like 6 foot 7 and was wearing this badass black trenchcoat, so i sped up and kind of casually walked close behind him, and then after 15 minutes, the umbrella dude turned down a street, and i kept on walking, adn when i turned to see if he was leaving, he was just looking at me as he walked away jus staring adn i was likeomgomgomg
i have never been so scaRED in my life
i have learned a lesson, ALWAYS HAVE CREDIT ON YOUR PHONE.
Thank god for that italian man.
Anyways. Other than last night being the scariest night of my entire life, it awas prety good because before that, i had been spending it with my awesome amaying friends from scxhooooooooolllll

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