The Actual Beginning of My Life

I've always wanted to travel, and to see the world. This exchange is a chance for me learn more about myself and the world and people around me. I am so excited to explore Austria, and to make friends from all around the world!

I have been waiting so long to go travelling and exploring on my own, and finally my dreams are coming true!

I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that has helped me realize my dreams. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends a person could ask for. I love you all!

Let the adventure begin! Hazzah!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

So I#m sorry I haven#t writtenon this blog for a while, but I#ve been so busy that I just havent had the time.
So i flew to austria, sitting beside some creepy polish guy that would not stop talking to me adn nudging me creepily telling em that he wanted to come adn visit me in Austria. Then I got off the plane and met my host parents. I wan#t sure about them at first, but now I love them alot.
Johnny and Pia, those are their names. My host brother is named Johannes too, and my host sister is named Maria.
So I get there, and then i go to bed, then they wake me up in the morning saying we have a babtism to go to. I#m like, i take a shower, and we all drive to a church. I get out the car and my ENTIRE host family is there, like i mean everyone. and so they are all shaking my hand and i swear to god that the men, oh the men. All the young handsome guys were just chillin out front in suits, and they were literally standing in a line, as i all shook their hands, and when they did so they all took off their glasses, put one hand behind their suit jacket, and shook my hand. I felt like i was in some crazy european film. Then we went int the church, and listened to some preist talkin german. It was awesome cause all the womenin front of me were laughing the entire time so it didn#t feelthat serious.
Then after the church service, there was a house party. my second day in Austria and iwas at my host familys family reunion. it was absolutely craaaazy. So I met alot of really nice people, and I made sure I smiled alot and said hello to absolutely everyone. I made friends with two girls, now I gorget their names, and also later in the night I stayed up and talked to a group of guys who were teaching me how to say things in German. They were all so kind and nice and I actually had the best time. I love my host family, all of it.
There was also this one guy there, who I wear on my life, was the best looking man I had ever seen, and I totally was talking ot him for alot of the night, score.
His name was benjamin, and he is basically liek that guy from Tutors, except more awesome. Ok maybe not cause taht guy from tutors is pretty hot, but you know.
Anyways, so after the party, when me adn my immediate host family were all just chillin, my host dad comes up to me, sits down and jsut says,
Celtae, i am so happy and proud of the way you acted tongiht. So impressive. you were nice and talked to everyone. I am soo impressed.
I felt so happy, and proud of myself, because hey, it was my first real day in Austria, and I had to face the entire family. It was so much fun.
So then the next day, I was shipped off to language camp, and oh my gosh, it#s one of the best things that has ever happend to me. I have met some of the nicest people in the world. All the exchange students who are in Austria rightnow were their, and we lived together and did everytihng together for two weeks.
i shared a room with a whole bunch of latinas andoh how i got no sleep for two weeks, they never stopped talking, but hey i love them to death.
I now have the best friends, I consider all the inbouds my family now. we are all so close, and I love every single one of them. EVERY SINGLE ONE. They are my favourites.
The camp was in a town called Altmunster, google it, the most beautiful place on earth, and I swam every single day because it was jsut so beautiful. no one else did, ok well people did but me and my canadian friends swam out teh farthest, bewcause we are used to teh cold haaha. mainly my friend Hunter and i (hes fromtexxas) swam out farfarfar everysingle day after classes.
I have found that I have this thing for latino people. They are all my favourite, they are all so happy and into dancing and music and they hug everyone, everything. I love them. the camp really opened my eyes to other cultures, and now I want to go travelling to South America, and just do everything. There is so much more I want to do now.
On one of the nights, all like 30? of us, i dont know how many exhcnage students there are, anyways, we were all invited to a rotary meeeting, and they asked if anyone wanted to do a telent for the rotary men, and everyone yelled my name adn told me to sing. So I said yes, adn that night I sang a classical song for the thing, and it was awesome.
I don#t know what else I should tell you aboutteh campp, other than I have met people tabt I will keep in contact with for teh rest of my life.
Uhmmmmmm well, I guess that when I came back from the campp, i got to know the subway systems, and I hung out with friends in Vienna. It was amazing. I love Vienna, and I love the freedom that I have with all the ways I can get around and how everything is so close. I love it.
I was homesick at first, liek at teh german cmapp but that was mainly because i was tired and i had to go to school hahah for german hahha.
but now, IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY FAMILY AND i love Vienna. I love my life.
OHHH one more thing
all men here wear tight bum hugging pants, jeans, suit pants, CAPRIS.
I swear everyman here spends at least 30 minutes every morning on his appearance. Its great. I love it ehre
I saw a man walking around with his wi´fe, and they were wearing MATCHING PINK SCARFS. I dont think it can get more european than that. Muahahaha bahaha
Anyways, I miss everyone back home, but I#m having fun so it#s not so bad.
School starts tommorow, and i#m nervous but excited



  1. this is my favourite thing! :D
    soo good. and hilarious.

  2. this just made my day;
    you are so lucky to be there, i'm glad you're liking it there!
    enjoy yourself - and try not to get married (it sounds like you might be tempted haha!)
