The Actual Beginning of My Life

I've always wanted to travel, and to see the world. This exchange is a chance for me learn more about myself and the world and people around me. I am so excited to explore Austria, and to make friends from all around the world!

I have been waiting so long to go travelling and exploring on my own, and finally my dreams are coming true!

I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that has helped me realize my dreams. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends a person could ask for. I love you all!

Let the adventure begin! Hazzah!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally Packed

I packed all of my stuff tongiht, and I am leaving tommorow to Austria. My mom's making us clean the kitchen, then we're headed off to bed. It's the last time I will clean my kitchen in Canada! Ha! Muahahaha.
I'm really excited to be leaving, but today I've been dealing with some issues about leaving my friends. Today is when everything really started to sink in, and I realized that I would not see my friends for a whole year. That's a big deal!
I just hope that all my friends realize how hard it is for me to leave, but I just have always needed to do something big, so as to see the world. :P
I just really don't want my friends think that this is just easy for met o just pick up and go, because it's not. I have never shed more tears than I have this year. There is nothing more important to me than the people in my life.

Anyways. So I packed two suitcases, my knapsack for teh flight, and also I'm going to TRY and guilt the flight people to let the poor exchange student take her beshouldered guitar onto the flight with her.
Other than that I have no ideas on how I'm going to survive without my guitar! I need that to keep me from getting depressed or something, I don't know.
But anyways, hopefully that can fly with me, and other than that it's all good.
The only other thing that needs to be bought is some maple syrup to give to my host families......but I'll get that tommorow on the way to the airport.

Honestly, right now I'm totally stressing about just what I have gotten myself into, but I'm trying to ignore those thoughts, cause I know they will pass!

That;s crazy, I can't even rap my head around that! Finally after all the planning, stressing, running around, I will be on my own in another part of the world.
Pia, Johannes, Maria, and Johannes junior, Here I come!!! YAY!

I love you Canada, I promise that I will do you justice, and be EXTRA patriotic on your behalf!!!!!!!

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