The Actual Beginning of My Life

I've always wanted to travel, and to see the world. This exchange is a chance for me learn more about myself and the world and people around me. I am so excited to explore Austria, and to make friends from all around the world!

I have been waiting so long to go travelling and exploring on my own, and finally my dreams are coming true!

I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that has helped me realize my dreams. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends a person could ask for. I love you all!

Let the adventure begin! Hazzah!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Surprise Party!?

My best friends Scarlett Raczycki and Rebekah Glendinning threw me a surprise party last week, and I have only got the time to write about it now.
Because there was no way of any of my friends to be assembled together at one time, Scarlett would tell me that one of my surprises were coming, and then one of my friends would walk through the door.
It was the best thing that anyone has ever done for me. To see all of my friends in one place all together, was amazing. Of course not ALL of my friends were there, and some important people who SHOULD have been there, (AKA Nick Avis and Kylie Lovell, Lutzen Reidstra, etc) were unfortunately not there. But despite that, the party was amazing.
I'm so blessed with the best friends in the world, who would take the time to try and surprise me. It was wonderful guys, I couldn't have asked for a better send off.
The first surprise was really hilarious, because it was the first person to show up, and it just so happened to be Derick Murray. Right when he walked through the door, he headed straight to the kitchen, and made me another surprise. Butter Beer. I had always said to my friends that I would love to know what J.K.Rowling wanted her created drink "Butter Beer" to taste like, and SOMEHOW, Derick found the recipe that J.K.Rowling herself had created to her liking, of how she thought it should taste. That made me laugh a lot, and what a thoughtful thing to do. It actually tasted amazing, EXTREMELY sweet, but tasty.
Later in the night, after we had made pizza and done the hokey pokey (and yes, we did in fact all gather in a circle to dance the hokey pokey) I opened some presents.
Not that presents were needed at all, but they were the best, and made me cry. My friends are such generous people! Scarlett got me a painting set, Beks painted a frame with pictures of Me, Scarlett and herself (so pretty beks!), Reuben; a head scratcher (very thoughtful actually, and ended up being the life of the party), candles, and some special crystals and stones that mean a lot to me. Rachel Hearn brought me a CD set all on Irish folk tunes, "So as never to forget my true heritage whilst in Austria". The gifts were so beautiful, thoughtful, and appreciated guys! I will cherish them forever.
But it wasn't even the gifts that were really important to me, it was the fact that I had all my friends there that night, and that I thank Scarlett for, and the people who actually came. It was so amazing.
Like I've said countless times, I am SO LUCKY to have the friends that I do. I wouldn't trade them for the world.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! :)
    I'm so glad you enjoyed the party!
    have a super blast in Austria, Celtae!
