The Actual Beginning of My Life

I've always wanted to travel, and to see the world. This exchange is a chance for me learn more about myself and the world and people around me. I am so excited to explore Austria, and to make friends from all around the world!

I have been waiting so long to go travelling and exploring on my own, and finally my dreams are coming true!

I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that has helped me realize my dreams. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends a person could ask for. I love you all!

Let the adventure begin! Hazzah!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So I went to school on the bus today, it was my third day at school. I walked around, looking for the bus station, or abus stop and i forgot everything my host om had told me. So yeah. I got lost. really lost and i was freaking out listening to Bob Dylans 'Tangled Up in Blue' on repeat,like i mean perma repeat, i listend to that song like fifty times. It was destressing. so i asked a few people, a coule were rude mainly old ladys, then one girl who was my age walked to a bus stop and helped me. She spoke perfect english and she was really nice. So i got on the bus, and i still didnt actually kjno where i was going and then i fórgot what the girlsaid. So i got out of the bus on a randon stop, and walked like i had a purpose even though I really didnt knoww where I was going, around Vienna. Then I came to abuilding that seemed reaklly familiar, and this handsome dude wearin´g a red burret came and walked by me, and I said excuse me, do you know where a school is around here? and he said yes, and helped me get there. I forgot to mention that it had been rainging, ppouring the entire time i was walking around, it was rainging fo teh whole morning. So I got into my school soaking wet and mad and close to tears cause I was late, and then saw a friend in my class, Daniel. I told him that i got lost and he laughed, and was very nice about it. he spent the summer in Italy and guess what HE SAW JOHNNY DEPPP IN THE STREET! So basically after he told me that he was considered an instant friend, i mean come on...JOHNNY DEPP. Yeah, so he was like we are in Latin right now, and the teacher hasnt shown up. LMAO and then the teacher for the next class didnt show up either!!! HAHAHA and instead me and my classmates talked about the fact that i went to school with Justin Beiber (i really did, grade 2 3 adn 4. And theý couldnt beleive it. It was pretty good. ive made some really cool friends, and one really nice girl and I talked a mix of french and german the entire chemistry class. She invited me to teh movies with her and her friends tonight! Im so happy that I#mactually making friends in Austria, and tehy are all so nice in my class. I feel so lucky.
and allmy other friends in class help me with german.
OH and this one guy in my class named Vahomp or something like that, well hes turrkish and he speaks FIVE LANGUAGES. FIVE.
WTF it makes me feel so unacomplished, but o well, hes a nice guy.
i am the only person who speaks in a Quebec accent in my class, all the other people in my class have beautiful french accents because they have liek all spent liek 5 months in france. But yeah so i am klnown as the quebec girl in french class haha.
Ive coemto appreciate languages. Before I came here, I hated french and french class because of teachers and drama and arrogant people, but now i dont care about that. I am just so blessed taht I can speak another language, i feel so lucky that I was given the opportunity when i was little to be in french immersion. Languages are so important, and here in európe most people speak like four languages.
When I come back, Ill have german, english, and french. Then íd love to go to South america, learn spanish.
I have a new passion for learning languages, and Im so happy.
Everything here is great, and now that ive got friends in school, the future seems less daunting.
Oh life, life is good.

1 comment:

  1. yes to you!
    You're such a success at life.
    Jynelle and I are working at getting you a copy of a very special verberne related wednesday pre-recorded. I hope we can. you would love it.
