The Actual Beginning of My Life

I've always wanted to travel, and to see the world. This exchange is a chance for me learn more about myself and the world and people around me. I am so excited to explore Austria, and to make friends from all around the world!

I have been waiting so long to go travelling and exploring on my own, and finally my dreams are coming true!

I'd just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that has helped me realize my dreams. I am truly blessed with the best family and friends a person could ask for. I love you all!

Let the adventure begin! Hazzah!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I went to a cafe with one of my bffffffffffflll Lolo from school, and it was pretty sweet. We talked for a long time, switching back and forht from French, English and German. Her mom is French, so she speaks perfect french and its so cool to always be changing languages all the time. I love it.
Uhm, theres not alot else to tell. Kinda just livin life here, and I love it so much. Everyone is so awesome and nice, and Im finally adjusting to everything. I really like it, although i miss canadian food.
Everyday, bread. meat. cheese. just all the time, and then today i had this weird stuf it was cooked bread crums sprinkled over boiled colliflower, and it was pretty gross. I mean, i ate it, and i said it was ok, but it was jsut gross.
I dont know, i miss my friends and my family. I miss the food. Its shameful to say
but i miss lays chips
its horrible, cause im kind of a health freak
but i miss my one weakness
im going through a lays withdrawl ahahahhah
i just miss all the little things, like the food isnt THAT different, but its different enough for me to be really annoyed and frustrated.
is a tomatoe sandwich on regular bread, mayo, and freakin Montreal steak spice from my best friend Scarletts kitchen cupboard.
And i want tostitos, with the amazing nacho dip bought from Foodland in Clinton.
Above all else I want my moms spaghetti sauce, and i am literally crying now that I am thinking of the thought that I will not taste it for a year. I guess theres more behind those tears though haha. Oh, but how they are triggered by food.
I want munchies. you know what im talking about scarlett.
I want salad, just salad.
I want blueberries taht my mom always buys
I want Scarletts Dads weird pasta that he makes with the meat inside of it and pesto sauce that i always eat without asking him when hes at work and scarlett abnd i are just chilling
I want a gyro that i always buy once a week when im going to vocal lessons then i go to the market and buy a heavenly gyro at the kiosk
I want the SKETCHY CURRY CHICKEN DUMPLINGS that you always buy mom from Zehrs, and boil them and then just stand at teh kitchen counter and eat them all and love it and then feel guilty so then i drink alot of water and eat salad to make myself feel better about myself
I miss my kitchen
Mom and Dad I miss you so much, i miss you so much
I miss blueblue, the cat here is so aggressive and oens the doors itself and its crazyy and scary and i think its posessed
And i miss teddy, even though i hate him, hes our dog so i kinda have to love him.
i miss home, and i dont even know
this is rediculous
im sorry, i needed to rant and to get my tears out, its all good in the hood now everyone who altually reads this thing, so yeah. I love you all.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

SCARIEST night of my entire life

Ok well the night did not really strart off scary, it was mainly the getting home after having fun with my friends part of the night.
So after the party at kathis flat, i went hom eon the subway, and left two of my friends, to switch subways. So i was alone, no big deal, i mean im used to it now, and i know my way around so i wasnt afraid or anything.
But when i got off at teh station i needed to, there was this man on the escalator next to me with this creepy yellow umbrella, and he was young but creepy andhe was staring at me and i tried to ignore it, cause hey some people jsut stare.
So then i get off the escalotor and go to another one to the left, and he goes on the escalator the right to get off at teh other side of the street above, and i glance over and hes STILL staring at me.
Im like, ok maybe i just loook like somebody heknows no big deal, im goin home!
So then i get to teh street above and just look across teh street to see if hes gone and im not even kidding or exagerating when i say this, but he was literally standing facing me on the other side of teh street, holding his yellow umbrela, and itwas raining, and it was busy and people were bustling and he was just standing there and so then i turned around and stared walkoing home and two minutes later i looked behind me and he wasnt there, and i was like ok that was creepy.
But then a minute later all i hear are these footsteps behind me and i turn around and all i see is that yellow umbrella and im like OMG and so i sped up some more, and i pulled my cellphone out and i tried to call my host sister BUT THERE WAS NO CREDIT ON MY PHONE; and my haert was racing and there ewre tears in my eyes, because his footsteps were getting closer and there was nooneon the street anywhere and it was dark and scary and raining. There were visions of the show criminal minds whipping through my head adn i honestly was so terrified. I have nevr been so scared in my entire life, and that is the truth.
THANK GOD, some random italian man turned onto the street and he was like 6 foot 7 and was wearing this badass black trenchcoat, so i sped up and kind of casually walked close behind him, and then after 15 minutes, the umbrella dude turned down a street, and i kept on walking, adn when i turned to see if he was leaving, he was just looking at me as he walked away jus staring adn i was likeomgomgomg
i have never been so scaRED in my life
i have learned a lesson, ALWAYS HAVE CREDIT ON YOUR PHONE.
Thank god for that italian man.
Anyways. Other than last night being the scariest night of my entire life, it awas prety good because before that, i had been spending it with my awesome amaying friends from scxhooooooooolllll


I am here in KATHIS flat, with PHILIP, LOLO, CHILLEbsgjkdgölosewesrd4c, NINI; und CLARA K,and Nico will be coming here soon.
We made grilled toast with cheese and ham and onion. It is the best. Nini is the best cook ever, and she made us soup also.
They wanted me to write on the blog while they were there, so now i am.
I love my friends alot, but they say that they love me too but they will grill me like de toast.
We played with ferrets and mice and cats and rats and kathi wished she owned a monkey too, but thats illegal.
They want me to tell you the story abot how we were all sitting in karthis room adn then she threw an energy drink at the cat while it was poopingand and then it just got up and pooped on teh carpet instead. it was the most hlarious thing ever.

philip is really excited that we are starting a band. philip war auch aufgeregt wie er in seine hose geschaut hat. Its going to be the best band eveaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
phil wants the world to know
that phil is amazing, phil is amazing,

and actually he really is, although kathi says taht he ahs a really big ego, i thikn he is rather awesome.
the ketchup that we had with out toast, was wie dünnschiss also ist sehr gut.
kathi ist wunderbar und ich habe die liebt für sie, sie ist die beste freunde.
und chili, ist meine lieblingspersone und es REGNET OIDA, ich liebe dich chillliii!!!!
und ich liebe lolo, weil sie ist francuzisch und shün
Clara MIT EIN C ist sehr sehr sehr SHÜN!!!!! ICH LIEBE DICH!!!
UND NINI ist die beste persone und se ist sehr shün und ich liebe das madchen.
Ich liebe yeden hier in kathis flat.
ich liebe Wien und Osterreich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


hmm what can i tell you.
The other day a friend of mine named Nico asked me to go with him and VAHAP to his apartments intensely awesome roof.
So we went, and you had to climb like six flights of stairs then walk up a ladder, and then youre on this little roof. And I could see all the tops of the buildings, all of Vienna
It was the most beautiful sight i have ever seen, and i felt like i was in a movie...
also ive been to my friend Kathis apartment after school a coupe times, and she has two ferrets, two cats, a trillion mice, rats, and fish. IT IS SO COOL! She#s pretty much the best person Ive ever met, she is so kind and nice and jsut a good person. Also her love for animals is the cutest thing ever.
OH The other day Kathi and Philip came up to me and told me they were starting a band and that i was going ot be in it. And they said that the nameof the band is One Year, because im here for one year. I was touched, and im so pumped to be in this band hahahhaa.
There is this Moldovian guy in my class, he is on exhange too and his name is Bogdan. He is amazing and looks like Bob Dylan, and hes the best kid ever. he likes classic rock and skateboarding. need i say more about how rockin this kid is!!!!???
its really nice to have another exchange student in my class, who understands what im going through.
I love my class adn my classmates to death. The nicest people in the world.
and i wentto the mountains and hiked with my exchange friends and a group of us got lost and so we went another way and we tried to do it bear grylls style and build a fire but it didnt work, and then i went swimming ina freezing cold lake, and then we somehow found our way back.
It was pretty good. I love my life.
To all my austrian friends: ich habe dich lieb. I think thats right. haha lvoelovelveo
and to all my friends back home,
words cannot describe how much i miss all of you. i miss people and things i never thought id ever miss.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So I went to school on the bus today, it was my third day at school. I walked around, looking for the bus station, or abus stop and i forgot everything my host om had told me. So yeah. I got lost. really lost and i was freaking out listening to Bob Dylans 'Tangled Up in Blue' on repeat,like i mean perma repeat, i listend to that song like fifty times. It was destressing. so i asked a few people, a coule were rude mainly old ladys, then one girl who was my age walked to a bus stop and helped me. She spoke perfect english and she was really nice. So i got on the bus, and i still didnt actually kjno where i was going and then i fórgot what the girlsaid. So i got out of the bus on a randon stop, and walked like i had a purpose even though I really didnt knoww where I was going, around Vienna. Then I came to abuilding that seemed reaklly familiar, and this handsome dude wearin´g a red burret came and walked by me, and I said excuse me, do you know where a school is around here? and he said yes, and helped me get there. I forgot to mention that it had been rainging, ppouring the entire time i was walking around, it was rainging fo teh whole morning. So I got into my school soaking wet and mad and close to tears cause I was late, and then saw a friend in my class, Daniel. I told him that i got lost and he laughed, and was very nice about it. he spent the summer in Italy and guess what HE SAW JOHNNY DEPPP IN THE STREET! So basically after he told me that he was considered an instant friend, i mean come on...JOHNNY DEPP. Yeah, so he was like we are in Latin right now, and the teacher hasnt shown up. LMAO and then the teacher for the next class didnt show up either!!! HAHAHA and instead me and my classmates talked about the fact that i went to school with Justin Beiber (i really did, grade 2 3 adn 4. And theý couldnt beleive it. It was pretty good. ive made some really cool friends, and one really nice girl and I talked a mix of french and german the entire chemistry class. She invited me to teh movies with her and her friends tonight! Im so happy that I#mactually making friends in Austria, and tehy are all so nice in my class. I feel so lucky.
and allmy other friends in class help me with german.
OH and this one guy in my class named Vahomp or something like that, well hes turrkish and he speaks FIVE LANGUAGES. FIVE.
WTF it makes me feel so unacomplished, but o well, hes a nice guy.
i am the only person who speaks in a Quebec accent in my class, all the other people in my class have beautiful french accents because they have liek all spent liek 5 months in france. But yeah so i am klnown as the quebec girl in french class haha.
Ive coemto appreciate languages. Before I came here, I hated french and french class because of teachers and drama and arrogant people, but now i dont care about that. I am just so blessed taht I can speak another language, i feel so lucky that I was given the opportunity when i was little to be in french immersion. Languages are so important, and here in európe most people speak like four languages.
When I come back, Ill have german, english, and french. Then íd love to go to South america, learn spanish.
I have a new passion for learning languages, and Im so happy.
Everything here is great, and now that ive got friends in school, the future seems less daunting.
Oh life, life is good.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

So I#m sorry I haven#t writtenon this blog for a while, but I#ve been so busy that I just havent had the time.
So i flew to austria, sitting beside some creepy polish guy that would not stop talking to me adn nudging me creepily telling em that he wanted to come adn visit me in Austria. Then I got off the plane and met my host parents. I wan#t sure about them at first, but now I love them alot.
Johnny and Pia, those are their names. My host brother is named Johannes too, and my host sister is named Maria.
So I get there, and then i go to bed, then they wake me up in the morning saying we have a babtism to go to. I#m like, i take a shower, and we all drive to a church. I get out the car and my ENTIRE host family is there, like i mean everyone. and so they are all shaking my hand and i swear to god that the men, oh the men. All the young handsome guys were just chillin out front in suits, and they were literally standing in a line, as i all shook their hands, and when they did so they all took off their glasses, put one hand behind their suit jacket, and shook my hand. I felt like i was in some crazy european film. Then we went int the church, and listened to some preist talkin german. It was awesome cause all the womenin front of me were laughing the entire time so it didn#t feelthat serious.
Then after the church service, there was a house party. my second day in Austria and iwas at my host familys family reunion. it was absolutely craaaazy. So I met alot of really nice people, and I made sure I smiled alot and said hello to absolutely everyone. I made friends with two girls, now I gorget their names, and also later in the night I stayed up and talked to a group of guys who were teaching me how to say things in German. They were all so kind and nice and I actually had the best time. I love my host family, all of it.
There was also this one guy there, who I wear on my life, was the best looking man I had ever seen, and I totally was talking ot him for alot of the night, score.
His name was benjamin, and he is basically liek that guy from Tutors, except more awesome. Ok maybe not cause taht guy from tutors is pretty hot, but you know.
Anyways, so after the party, when me adn my immediate host family were all just chillin, my host dad comes up to me, sits down and jsut says,
Celtae, i am so happy and proud of the way you acted tongiht. So impressive. you were nice and talked to everyone. I am soo impressed.
I felt so happy, and proud of myself, because hey, it was my first real day in Austria, and I had to face the entire family. It was so much fun.
So then the next day, I was shipped off to language camp, and oh my gosh, it#s one of the best things that has ever happend to me. I have met some of the nicest people in the world. All the exchange students who are in Austria rightnow were their, and we lived together and did everytihng together for two weeks.
i shared a room with a whole bunch of latinas andoh how i got no sleep for two weeks, they never stopped talking, but hey i love them to death.
I now have the best friends, I consider all the inbouds my family now. we are all so close, and I love every single one of them. EVERY SINGLE ONE. They are my favourites.
The camp was in a town called Altmunster, google it, the most beautiful place on earth, and I swam every single day because it was jsut so beautiful. no one else did, ok well people did but me and my canadian friends swam out teh farthest, bewcause we are used to teh cold haaha. mainly my friend Hunter and i (hes fromtexxas) swam out farfarfar everysingle day after classes.
I have found that I have this thing for latino people. They are all my favourite, they are all so happy and into dancing and music and they hug everyone, everything. I love them. the camp really opened my eyes to other cultures, and now I want to go travelling to South America, and just do everything. There is so much more I want to do now.
On one of the nights, all like 30? of us, i dont know how many exhcnage students there are, anyways, we were all invited to a rotary meeeting, and they asked if anyone wanted to do a telent for the rotary men, and everyone yelled my name adn told me to sing. So I said yes, adn that night I sang a classical song for the thing, and it was awesome.
I don#t know what else I should tell you aboutteh campp, other than I have met people tabt I will keep in contact with for teh rest of my life.
Uhmmmmmm well, I guess that when I came back from the campp, i got to know the subway systems, and I hung out with friends in Vienna. It was amazing. I love Vienna, and I love the freedom that I have with all the ways I can get around and how everything is so close. I love it.
I was homesick at first, liek at teh german cmapp but that was mainly because i was tired and i had to go to school hahah for german hahha.
but now, IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY FAMILY AND i love Vienna. I love my life.
OHHH one more thing
all men here wear tight bum hugging pants, jeans, suit pants, CAPRIS.
I swear everyman here spends at least 30 minutes every morning on his appearance. Its great. I love it ehre
I saw a man walking around with his wi´fe, and they were wearing MATCHING PINK SCARFS. I dont think it can get more european than that. Muahahaha bahaha
Anyways, I miss everyone back home, but I#m having fun so it#s not so bad.
School starts tommorow, and i#m nervous but excited


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally Packed

I packed all of my stuff tongiht, and I am leaving tommorow to Austria. My mom's making us clean the kitchen, then we're headed off to bed. It's the last time I will clean my kitchen in Canada! Ha! Muahahaha.
I'm really excited to be leaving, but today I've been dealing with some issues about leaving my friends. Today is when everything really started to sink in, and I realized that I would not see my friends for a whole year. That's a big deal!
I just hope that all my friends realize how hard it is for me to leave, but I just have always needed to do something big, so as to see the world. :P
I just really don't want my friends think that this is just easy for met o just pick up and go, because it's not. I have never shed more tears than I have this year. There is nothing more important to me than the people in my life.

Anyways. So I packed two suitcases, my knapsack for teh flight, and also I'm going to TRY and guilt the flight people to let the poor exchange student take her beshouldered guitar onto the flight with her.
Other than that I have no ideas on how I'm going to survive without my guitar! I need that to keep me from getting depressed or something, I don't know.
But anyways, hopefully that can fly with me, and other than that it's all good.
The only other thing that needs to be bought is some maple syrup to give to my host families......but I'll get that tommorow on the way to the airport.

Honestly, right now I'm totally stressing about just what I have gotten myself into, but I'm trying to ignore those thoughts, cause I know they will pass!

That;s crazy, I can't even rap my head around that! Finally after all the planning, stressing, running around, I will be on my own in another part of the world.
Pia, Johannes, Maria, and Johannes junior, Here I come!!! YAY!

I love you Canada, I promise that I will do you justice, and be EXTRA patriotic on your behalf!!!!!!!

Surprise Party!?

My best friends Scarlett Raczycki and Rebekah Glendinning threw me a surprise party last week, and I have only got the time to write about it now.
Because there was no way of any of my friends to be assembled together at one time, Scarlett would tell me that one of my surprises were coming, and then one of my friends would walk through the door.
It was the best thing that anyone has ever done for me. To see all of my friends in one place all together, was amazing. Of course not ALL of my friends were there, and some important people who SHOULD have been there, (AKA Nick Avis and Kylie Lovell, Lutzen Reidstra, etc) were unfortunately not there. But despite that, the party was amazing.
I'm so blessed with the best friends in the world, who would take the time to try and surprise me. It was wonderful guys, I couldn't have asked for a better send off.
The first surprise was really hilarious, because it was the first person to show up, and it just so happened to be Derick Murray. Right when he walked through the door, he headed straight to the kitchen, and made me another surprise. Butter Beer. I had always said to my friends that I would love to know what J.K.Rowling wanted her created drink "Butter Beer" to taste like, and SOMEHOW, Derick found the recipe that J.K.Rowling herself had created to her liking, of how she thought it should taste. That made me laugh a lot, and what a thoughtful thing to do. It actually tasted amazing, EXTREMELY sweet, but tasty.
Later in the night, after we had made pizza and done the hokey pokey (and yes, we did in fact all gather in a circle to dance the hokey pokey) I opened some presents.
Not that presents were needed at all, but they were the best, and made me cry. My friends are such generous people! Scarlett got me a painting set, Beks painted a frame with pictures of Me, Scarlett and herself (so pretty beks!), Reuben; a head scratcher (very thoughtful actually, and ended up being the life of the party), candles, and some special crystals and stones that mean a lot to me. Rachel Hearn brought me a CD set all on Irish folk tunes, "So as never to forget my true heritage whilst in Austria". The gifts were so beautiful, thoughtful, and appreciated guys! I will cherish them forever.
But it wasn't even the gifts that were really important to me, it was the fact that I had all my friends there that night, and that I thank Scarlett for, and the people who actually came. It was so amazing.
Like I've said countless times, I am SO LUCKY to have the friends that I do. I wouldn't trade them for the world.


Monday, July 12, 2010

First Epic Post!

Hey guys! I am going to Austria for my exchange! To a place called Perchtoldsdorf, near Vienna. I am so excited to go, but sad to leave all of my lovely, amazing, awesome beautiful friends and family. I love all of them so much. Living in Austria will be hard, but I know that I'll have fun!
I don't know when I'm leaving yet, but I think that it will be between August 8th and 13th!
I'll be writing on this blog over my exchange, so I'll keep you posted!